An article by PR expert Henry Stimpson follows below.Obtaining media coverage is like planting seeds. Seed the media with ideas and cultivate relationships, and some of the seeds will sprout. And a blossom in one medium can lead to powerful propagation in another.
For financial advisor Frank Congemi, we wrote and pitched a story idea on financial gerontology and what Registered Financial Gerontologists like Frank do to help their clients. It resulted in a feature article in the New York Post.
Where do TV reporters get most of their story ideas from? They read newspapers. The Post article attracted the attention of a reporter at the NBC TV affiliate in New York City. The resulting feature-length story on Channel 4 featured both Frank and two of his clients—an even better placement. Frank posted the video on his Web site, and you can view it at
Here’s another example. We placed a bylined article on equity-indexed annuities in InvestmentNews, a top trade magazine, for Mitchell Maynard, owner of MCP Premium, a software company. A reporter at Dow Jones News Service read the article, interviewed Mitch and put out a national wire story prominently quoting him as an expert.
Cross-fertilization works, and the beauty of it is that is usually happens on its own.
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