Saturday, July 01, 2006

"How to Handle Tough Questions from an Audience," according to Mother Tongue Annoyances

Stumped by a tough question from your audience? Try redirecting it back to the audience.

That's the suggestion from "How to Handle Tough Questions from an Audience" that resonated with me.

I think this is particularly appropriate when the question seeks an opinion rather than a purely factual answer. Getting the audience involved can spark a productive conversation.

This is another tip I was directed to by


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good advice!

I speak and lead interactions all the time. I love the improv of doing so and redirecting the question back to the audience is wise.

It shows respect by acknowledging there are answers resident within the group.

It demonstrates humility in that the speaker does not have to be "the expert" in all things.

And it makes room for more meaningful commentary from the speaker once the group has supplied answers to the question posed.

Thanks for posting and enlarging the conversation!

6:50 AM  

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